Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

I celebrate myself because I am created in God's perfect image, and that is enough for me.
My views on life? I attempt to keep my views on life pretty positive, but many times I find myself slipping as I think negatively about something. I may think negatively about a test I just took; feeling as if I didn't do as well as I could've, feeling like I didn't study hard enough. In reality, I studied as hard as I could, and sometimes I even get a way higher grade than I thought! (But that rarely happens usually it's really sad and I end up getting a sad grade.) What I realized is that when I think about negative thoughts, the first thing I think of is school. School pretty much dominates my life. (Does school even have to do with this? Oh well, school has to do with my life anyways.) I wake up five days a week early in the morning, get ready miserably as I crawl across the floor barely awake, and get in the car dreadfully, screaming, "NOT ANOTHER DAY OF SCHOOL :(" That's my school life everyday. I know that was a big run on sentence, I was aware and it was also exaggerated but you get the point. School is the place where I socialize, and the majority of the friends I have are either from church or school. (Or both!)
Overall, relating to "Into the Wild," my views on life are somewhat different. Some people abandon their life (like school) to pursue a life in the wild. To me, that is way too extreme. I am not obsessed with nature and its beauties although I do think that enjoying nature feels relaxing at times. I like appreciating nature. Little actions like smelling the air, throwing the crisp leaves, and just loving the creations that God gave are ways of appreciating nature and it feels good. BUT I WOULD NEVER EVER abandon my family to live in the wild. Never. I am not an independent person. In fact I am more dependent than independent. That's my life. For now.


  1. Ivy I wouldn't sweat school like you portray yourself to do. School is temporary and you just need to balance it. Although this went on a tangent you gotta stop kicking yourself. that's all I wanna say. Well that and STAY ON TOPIC

  2. Hey— I get ya. Sometimes it's easier to let routine and work and everything terrible weigh you down, but you're staying positive about it! School is about having meeting and having fun with friends, too.

    Oh! And I don't define independence and dependence as good and bad, and I hope you don't either.

  3. I like the introduction of this blog. Would you say that you are pretty proud of the person you have become today?
