Thursday, May 15, 2014


Besides the fact that this is very fashionably late, right now (at the time I'm writing this) many of you are most probably either sleeping or getting ready for bed. Yeah, I don't think it's healthy at all to sleep this late but beats me because I haven't slept early since the 1st grade. Even as a kindergartener, I slept at around 9ish-10, which is the time some of you reading this sleep. That's just crazy. I could never sleep early.. ever.
Anyways, back to the point.. SHORT STORIES YAY
I am literally falling asleep as I am typing this so please forgive me I honestly don't even know where I'm going with these short stories but here:
My hands trembled. (They could not stop shaking) as I picked up the pencil to write my name. Alzciria. The disease that I had. It was the disease for abnormal growth, which meant how I looked from day to day was unpredictable and convoluting. One day I could look my age but the next could be all different. Different days showed different symptoms, and today, I was looking 15, but feeling 80. The disease is both internal and external. Scientists had called it the most unpredictable disease of the millenium. It was more of a mystery than cancer, because there wasn’t anything that could even treat it. The most the doctors could ever do is give me some weird vaccines (like for polio which hardly exists) and Advil for whenever I had aching muscles and excessive pain.. My doctors had said that only 1 out of every 900 million people had Alzciria, so it is the rarest disease in the book. How lucky am I to be one of the 900 million? I breathed hard, breaking out into a cold sweat, unable to hear what anything my teacher was saying. I had to improvise. With an insanely painful, aching, trembling hand, I filled in the bubbles to my name and address. I did this last year, so I was pretty familiar with the answer sheet. My hands felt like wet pieces of slitting paper because of the fragility. My body had no choice but to tune out the world in front of me. A low ringing sound developed in my ears and my hands continued to tremble as I slowly filled in the bubbles with searing pain. My body was immobile, and my lips felt too much like jello to speak. The ringing in my ears got louder and louder. Before no time, the sound was screeching at me, louder and louder as if there was a dead creature from hell wanting to rip out my dark soul. “Is this life a curse? Not again,” I thought to myself as the world suddenly spun around, everything around me dark. Faces began to turn into static and clump together like an old TV. I tried to scream out, crying on the top of my lungs, attempting to lash out all of my pain. The world became a dark, dark place, and it was clear to me. It was another episode of Alzciria.

Lights. All sorts of lights, in all different colors. “Where am I?” I thought to myself. “Is this what heaven looks like? Just lights? Or worse, is this the beginning of hell?” Opening my eyes, all I saw were lights and more lights. I couldn’t control my eyes not properly functioning. I tried to say something, but it there was something- a muscle, maybe a particle in my brain that just said no, you’re not going anywhere or saying anything. I tried to breathe, but it was like my body didn’t need the gasps of air I breathed. “This is so I in an illusional dream?” Suddenly, I tried to open my eyes again and saw colors. Not just light but blobs. Blobs? The blobs were incomprehensible. Nothing made sense. The world spun and continued to even when I was lying hopelessly trying to open my eyes.

September 8th
Dear Diary,
Sometimes I wonder if people would care to think about me for a split second if they found out that I was dead. Given the fact that friends are nonexistent in my world, I wonder if anyone would go to my funeral- aside from my parents… but now that I think about it, I’m not even sure anymore. Let’s just say I’m not the best kid in the world, and I am so glad that they haven’t disowned me yet. Would they rather have me dead so they don’t have to give me their attention and money? They would have more money for themselves which equals a better life.. right? Now I’m sounding completely emo but let me explain myself. I am Isley, and let’s just say that nobody at my school likes me. At all. Wait, it’s not even my school anymore. Allow me to correct myself. Former school. See, everybody hated me so much that I decided that I should really consider transferring. So that’s what I made out my decision to be. I thought about it for most of the summer and I luckily contacted the admissions office for Beacon Hills High School in time for them to accept me as a transfer student. I mean, even as a somebody everyone hated, I had pretty rockin’ grades, which was why they accepted me. I laugh thinking about if only they knew my low social status. My parents were disappointed that I wanted to transfer at first, but they wanted the best for me so they agreed at my decision. So here I am today writing about myself in this new diary I decided to get just in time for a new year. I know it’s going to be a tough year. Junior year. That’s where all the stress is, ugh. Tomorrow I start my first day at Beacon Hills High School. It’s going to be a much different feel, and hopefully people don’t bully me and hate me as much as the people at my old school. I had to deal with their crap for two years! That’s too much. Well, I’m getting tired. See you diary.

Isley strolled down the stairs, dragging her long, blue robe along the staircase. She rubbed her eyes viewing her kitchen. “First day of school.. again..,” Isley said in a monotone as she made her slow way to the kitchen. She tried really hard to sound like she was excited about school because her parents were sitting beside each other by the dining table. Her father was focused on his newspaper, but occasionally he would look up and notice Isley. Her mother did the same, her eyes focused on her husband’s newspaper. Isley walked to the fridge, feeling as if the floor she was stepping on was jello. “So.. tired..,” Isley murmured, half awake. “It should be easier to wake up tomorrow, the 2nd day of school. You’ve got the whole year honey. Now hurry up and eat your breakfast before it gets late,” Isley’s dad said calmly, as if it was any other day. Isley’s dad was a relaxed man. He hardly ever felt nervous about anything, and often times he was the zen to the whole family. He would calm everyone down.

WRITERS BLOCK AT FIRST. So I’m not really sure how to continue and how I want the storyline to be but I do think that I can really develop this character and she can go to the school and build a love life ;) What do you want to happen next?

Monday, March 31, 2014

New Money Old Money and the Others.

Old money: rich over generations
New money: rich because of luck, gold digging, and the money is new and fresh out of the bank!
It's really funny because I was actually talking about old money and new money with my dad. Let me explain. I was saying how that range rover he saw on the street driven by a thirty year old is probably new money because he probably became rich through a job. I was also explaining old money, on how money could be passed down throughout several generations. And then my dad asked me: what are we? No money. He laughed because he knew it was true! I am part of the "others" because I am not rich. I can't own everything as if it was free like some other people- like in Gatsby. I love these terms because it really has great symbolism for how people are identified.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It's Thanksgiving. This means another year of great food and feasting. There will be turkeys, cranberry sauces/pies, more pie, lots of sweets, chicken, fried chicken, and so much more. In my case THERE WILL BE LOTS AND LOTS OF ASIAN FOOD!! (I AM SOO TIRED OF ASIAN FOOD). Food is of course.. the most important part of Thanksgiving, right? WRONG.
There are so many things we take for granted in this life and I feel like Thanksgiving is a great holiday to give things to not only the big things (like food and water because that has been said and done even though it's true) even the little things can matter the most. So this Thanksgiving I really need to focus on the life that God gave me and how I have what some people don't have- and many things that I have are honestly either privileges, blessings, grace, or all of the above.
So for this post, I'm supposed to write about how thankful I am for a specific group of people- certain classmates in 7th period English so I decided I should go ahead and do that so I don't fail English! Yay!
One thing outside of classmates I am really thankful for is everyday I live in this life and I can't sweat this enough because EVERY SINGLE DAY I get to live, EVERY SINGLE BREATH that I take is grace like honestly without it I would be dead on the ground not living like it's great being able to write, eat, and just do whatever a human does
Classmate time,
I am thankful for...
7th Period (For those of y'alls I don't know well/talk to/both, HOLLA AT ME)
Aidan Acosta- I am thankful for Aidan because he has to go through being called like.. first for almost everything and I know if I was the first to be called for everything I would be like all stressed out. We never had a class together before this year! Also even though we don't talk much he seems really nice! I remember when Mr. McCarthy called out his blog just because he was the first name on the list in the beginning of the year and told him his opinion.

Brian Adams- I am thankful for Brian because Mr. McCarthy loves playing with his name and he's nice (from what I know) AND he comments on my blogs sometimes! YAH BUDDY. I knew of him last year but if I recall right I am around 99.9% sure we never had a class together before and English this year is the only class I have with him! Brian seems to know some music because.. HOLLA AT THE GUITAR PROGRAM LAST YEAR! Yay guitar I hated scales so much. We were friends on Facebook since last year but yess Mr. McCarthy loves both Brian Adams'!

Antonio Arana- I am thankful for Antonio because it seems like he works hard and that's a really good thing because sometimes I find myself not doing the best I could all the time. He's in my gym class and we all play knockout and he works to excel that too which is good! YAY FLOOR HOCKEY NEXT

Martin Barragan- I am thankful for Martin because he made creative ways to remember the vocabulary words and honestly I gotta say some of them were really kinda silly/funny and I wouldn't be able to come up with the same way to remember them! He also seems like he has a strong opinion on some matters which is a good thing plus an interest in English! But yeah I don't wanna sound like a teacher.. But yay keep memorizing words the fun way!

Justin Commings- I am thankful for Justin because he works hard in school! WHY DO I KEEP SOUNDING LIKE A TEACHER. Anyways also he is nice too because he gave some people some fire safety thing last year which is so nice because they retail for a lot more than a dollar a piece! Also he is pretty decent at basketball! I cannot layups but he can!

Karmyn Doughty- Oh this girl. I'm thankful for Karmyn because I had classes with her before! To be specific I had THREE classes with her last year but honestly we didn't really talk much but she's actually really cool because she's a TRACK STAR and I'm almost positive she can play basketball pretty well. (Basketball team of course!) I remember I had my last classes of the day with her (8th and 9th) and she had to tolerate with my "racism!" I'm glad that I at least have one class with her because a lot of people I had a lot of classes with last year all disappeared! Ms. Smith (BOY BAND SMITH) would call her "Karmy" towards the end of the year and I gotta say that bio was great even though it wasn't her favorite class and English was pretty chill! We have English together.. AGAIN yay

Steven Eng- I am thankful for Steven because he tolerates me even though he might like all the things I say like he isn't super mean to me directly which is good! He didn't like kill me for "snitching!" (Well not exactly) And he eventually forgave me which was good because I felt so so bad about it afterwards because I thought it wasn't a bad thing to say since McCarthy is super chill!

Henry Ferolie- He was the guy who literally brought an Odwalla to school every morning and got yelled at last year in world studies and it was pretty funny! He inspired me to try Odwalla since I was like: Is it really that good? I'll try for myself! World Studies last year was memorable because literally the class was a joke like I DON'T know why I got a B first semester it was ridiculous honestly. We should've all totally watched "The Matrix" in world studies like he promised but NOPE we watched half of "The Hunger Games." I am thankful for Henry because he makes the class less quiet since he talks most of the time! (It's a good thing) He's also a pretty funny man who's not afraid to voice his opinion to the class and argue it out.

Bella Fertel- Even though she's not thankful for me it's okay because I know that I've had memories with this girl so it don't matter :) Can't be like writing about everyone unless you're me right ;) Anyways Bella- I am thankful for her because she stays strong throughout even through the struggle of life and some situations that might not be the easiest to deal with! Also, she has a great fashion sense and I think the way she dresses is really cute (Even though American Apparel is expensive I feel her like their stuff is CUTE!). She also has a thing for California like I do like I REALLY WANNA GO TO CALI and she has probably went before but I NEED to go so badly! We both have White Converse which is a silly thing to mention because a lot of people have White Converse but hey little things matter too right? She's really nice and she was super supportive throughout the cross country season plus the struggle of my first time pool running! It's our second year in the same English class! Yay! And I think it's great how she's so dedicated to her work and being a good student like it's inspiring how hard she works.

Franklin Fiene- I am thankful for Frankie because Franklin is a very interesting name! Just kidding I'm not that lame for these thankful notes. He was in my guitar class last year and he works hard in both English and for last year- guitar! I remember how much of a struggle guitar was so props for working hard because I know I certainly did not work that hard besides the very last minute which made me sad sad sad.

Noah Finkelsztein- Noah has a pretty interesting hard to spell last name but I managed to spell it right yay! He's in my division so that means I'm stuck with him for 4 years, at least 11 minutes (or 35 on Wednesdays) each day!! I am thankful for this kid because I think it's really funny sometimes how Mr. McCarthy calls him out for stuff. Occasionally he would mumble his words so people don't understand and I think that's pretty... um unique?

Cindy Gayton- I am thankful for Cindy because I don't think we had any classes together last year so we were acquainted but now we do so yay! She's really nice and pretty! She wears dresses or skirts every single day which I think is so unique and I think the dressy style everyday is hard to find these days. I feel like she's not afraid of being who she is and that's a holla :)

Nia Hill- I have other chemistry with Nia! We don't really talk but I'm thankful for her because she seems to be an energetic person if you get to know her better and I actually worked with her for questions once! Our last names are really close to each other so when teachers call names.. NAME CALLING BUDDIES!

Emily Jedloski- I am thankful for Emily because she is literally a sweetheart like she is super nice! She doesn't fit in with some of the world with the things she hasn't done but that's okay because we will work on it. Even though she's never watched Mean Girls and heard of some stuff she does want to watch Catching Fire three times because of its greatness plus she's been to Disney like nine times AND ziplining before. So she is caught up when it comes to adventurous activities I guess. First impression of her was hey look a girl who looks Asian with braids I wonder if she'll like me or be friends with me someday.. (LOL) But yes she has great baking skills and her butter cookies are pretty amazing! We have the same lunch period and I'm glad that I met her this year because without English and Instructional, no bonding! Heads up is a super fun game too. The time when Sisto took it away was :(

Sam Kajah- I had biology with him last year and I am thankful for him because he is pretty nice to me! He also made a biology song using an Adele song which is pretty brave because I know I would've so been like NO NOT ADELE I CAN'T SING!! Sam is a pretty quiet man but yay soccer!

Isabel Ledsky- When I think Ledskys I think of a. Smart b. Smart and c. good at math and Isabel is all of the above! I am thankful for Isabel because she is super nice and she's also friends with the magnificent Emily and Zoe Kp! I remember once she came up to me and said I sang good and that was pretty much how we started talking more! She's pretty friendly and she's like super smart + SO good at math that it makes me jealous sometimes! Math team is such a professional team of intelligent people because we are good enough to beat IMSA!! She is also part of the trig BC club who can totally skip to AP Calc in a breeze but yeah I'm really glad that I met Isabel because I know last year I was barely acquainted with her enough to know that Aaron was her twin!!

Reyna Lee- I am thankful for Reyna because she has a really cool last name like it's like she's mixed with a million things so that her last name is Lee but nope she's not Asian which is cool! She's also really nice and I liked her presentation on The Great Migration!

Nancy Liang- I am thankful for Nancy because I remember last year I saw her around not knowing her name and now this year I got to know her a lot better! She shared food from Ella's with me one time when I really wanted it and I felt like that was really nice because she didn't make me pay a thing and I love food so much! I was desperate for that chicken strip and fries due to the small TV dinners. She's really artistic and I wish I knew how to draw and be as artistic! She has cool glasses :)

Jessica Luciano- Okay this girl. I've known her since the end of 8th grade or actually officially Freshmen year. I first saw her at the back of her house legit and she was wearing a butterfly shirt I DON'T KNOW WHY I REMEMBER. This girl is not just a division buddy or an English buddy that I know but she's one of my good friends! We weren't super close last year but both years we still managed to be lunch buddies! Yay! She waits for me while I struggle in line to microwave my food and it's really hard because it takes forever!! I'm not afraid to tell her about my day or something stupid I did and she's supportive through it all because I can talk to her almost whenever and I am so so glad we have a class and lunch together! Even though I'm super weird sometimes enough for her to worry (maybe about now) she deals with me :)

Stephanie Luo- I am thankful for Stephanie because she's honest and she picked up my phone once since I left it at the lab table and she was about to give it to my mandarin teacher but I took it in time! See the small moments matter. She's also really quiet but she is like really nice and I know I might say that for a lot of people but it's true!! She's also really hardworking and does what she's supposed to.

Lissette Macias- I am thankful for Lissette because she's true to herself, she's true to what she believes in! That's for sure a good thing because this is something that not all of us hold onto. Also she isn't afraid to speak out about something. If something is bothering her, she's not afraid to say it! That's a good thing because sometimes people hide what they think even when its necessary to say something. Lissette is really funny too and once she gave me a breathsavers so SHARING IS CARING!

Devin O'Banion- This kid is in my division so I am of course, stuck with him for 4 years which is okay because he's a cool kid! I am thankful for Devin because he is a friendly person who is not hard to approach! I know some people it's like they are so hard to approach and ask a simple question like what was there homework, but not Devin. He is also keepin' it classy with his cardigans! I like his Whitney Young spirit with the chrome bag yay

San Reichert- I remember the honor roll ceremony and I heard his name for PRINCIPALS SCHOLAR like that's soooo hard to get even for frackies! But he was one of the kids who got it as a freshman which is inspiring because that comes to show the hard work that pays off. Even though we don't talk and never had a class together until this year, he seems to be really nice and he doesn't intend to hurt anybody on purpose! Baseball is a risky sport so I give props for not being hit in the head with it.

Holly Situ- I've known this girl since like 7th-8th grade plus I hung out with her quite a bit the summer before Freshman year and sometimes after that. I am thankful for Holly because we eat lunch together sometimes and she is super artistic. Plus she discovers like all the cool places in Chicago and she manages to not be directionally challenged like me! She also takes amazing pictures and a lot of them. She's also really good at graphic design and I think she will go places in the future pursuing an artistic career yay she is a really cool person and she dares to be different.

Connor Szeto- I am thankful for Connor because we are both Asian which means we have the same orthodontist. Asian invasion!

Amelia Vasilic- I am thankful for Amelia because she always gave me an impression that she was nice and she really is!! AP World is the ultimate struggle and I am so salty because 3rd period always does better :(

Julia Vick- I am thankful for Julia because she also is really nice like I know I said it a lot but she is! She's in my division! She makes English fun for the people in front of me :D I AM SO TIRED

Keilani Williams- Last but not least Keilani I ended up talking to her because I was asking if her name was Jordan AND I was confused about Into the Wild. I am so glad I met her because turns out she is like so so nice and she's a frackie even though she doesn't look like one. She's pretty talkative and I feel like we think alike in some ways and like they say swag minds think alike? No? Okay but yes it took a little bit of the year but we are friends and she likes to cheer yay

It's 12:42 am

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

I celebrate myself because I am created in God's perfect image, and that is enough for me.
My views on life? I attempt to keep my views on life pretty positive, but many times I find myself slipping as I think negatively about something. I may think negatively about a test I just took; feeling as if I didn't do as well as I could've, feeling like I didn't study hard enough. In reality, I studied as hard as I could, and sometimes I even get a way higher grade than I thought! (But that rarely happens usually it's really sad and I end up getting a sad grade.) What I realized is that when I think about negative thoughts, the first thing I think of is school. School pretty much dominates my life. (Does school even have to do with this? Oh well, school has to do with my life anyways.) I wake up five days a week early in the morning, get ready miserably as I crawl across the floor barely awake, and get in the car dreadfully, screaming, "NOT ANOTHER DAY OF SCHOOL :(" That's my school life everyday. I know that was a big run on sentence, I was aware and it was also exaggerated but you get the point. School is the place where I socialize, and the majority of the friends I have are either from church or school. (Or both!)
Overall, relating to "Into the Wild," my views on life are somewhat different. Some people abandon their life (like school) to pursue a life in the wild. To me, that is way too extreme. I am not obsessed with nature and its beauties although I do think that enjoying nature feels relaxing at times. I like appreciating nature. Little actions like smelling the air, throwing the crisp leaves, and just loving the creations that God gave are ways of appreciating nature and it feels good. BUT I WOULD NEVER EVER abandon my family to live in the wild. Never. I am not an independent person. In fact I am more dependent than independent. That's my life. For now.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Poe Diaries

Hello fellow people reading my blog!
I will try to make this blog post better than my last post, since that post was created in a rush. But here I am sitting on my bed typing this up with a bag of Dark Chocolate Pretzel Crisps in front of me. YUM!! Anyways, back to the point of this post. Many people think Edgar Allan Poe was a great writer, while others argue saying: NOPE HE WASN'T! Some people thought that he should get to the point faster.
My opinion on Poe?
Well to start off, I believe that he lived a very unhappy life. You could tell by his writing. His writing would've been happier if he didn't live in such dark, misery. His writing was often dark and mysterious, making you feel the suspense and vengeance. His writing was also often pretty scary! The way he describes settings makes me feel like I'm in the setting, and it's so real because I could picture it. It's not necessarily a very pleasant picture in my mind as its often very dark scenery with unknown creatures creeping at my door. I think the fact that Poe uses such great imagery is one aspect to his great writing. To me, his writing is a bit to dark for me to read all the time, but I do think that he has a lot of talent. The way he used words was amazing, like how did he do it and fit the pieces together?
Another thing is that because of his great usage of words, he really inspired many, especially the ones longing to be a writer. I researched that Poe lived a really hard life partly because of his financial problems, depending on writing alone. Since his brokenness physically in money and mentally in how his wife died, other writers might think it's okay to depend on writing. I feel like he expanded the field of mystery writers and people who wrote horror stories because he depended on it and ended up being one of the most famous, known writers in America and beyond. They even created a museum for him! Of course Poe is pretty magnificent, regarding his corrupt life and lifestyle. (MARRYING HIS COUSIN LIKE WHAT)
Anyways, yeah, that's Poe. He could've written more stories but oh well, how he ended was his choice.

Friday, October 18, 2013

What Is An American?

What is an American?
This is the question you may ask me. As an Asian American, my definition must be different than yours. When people ask me about my ethnicity, I say I'm Asian or Chinese. I honestly never say I'm American. Not like I'm not an American, but I feel like there's more to my culture. This is most likely why people don't say they are American when asked the very common question; what are you? (In terms of ethnicity) Some people value their true culture (plus their ancestral background) more than their "Americanness." If they say they are American, then that's not usually the answer people are looking for. If you answer with you being an American, that's like saying everyone who lives in America is an American, and to me a true American is someone who lives in our country and is happy to be. Not by force. Yet they might value their cultural background due to its history.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Modern Puritan

So one day I was told to do this blog post and think about the whole topic of the "modern Puritan," whatever it may be in your mind.
After thinking and more thinking, I realized that the modern Puritan not only could be talked about in comparing the Puritan now vs. many years ago, but it can also be compared to other aspects in our society.
First things first, what is a Puritan?
Well, according to the dictionary definition, a Puritan can be defined as, "someone who adheres to strict religious principles; someone opposed to sensual pleasures."
In my mind, a Puritan is not only strict to religious principles, but they are pretty much strict on everything else. This would definitely include laws, rules, and other things that people have to follow.
One of the first things I thought of when it came to a Puritan was one of the forms of government that was enforced back in the Ancient Chinese Civilization. The form of government was called Legalism, which meant punishment for the ones who did wrong, and a reward for the good. This in a sense was somewhat like a Puritan because Puritans are often punished for crimes like adultery. Even though they didn't have much of a reward for good, it kept some people out of trouble and it was an expectation of a Puritan to be chops. "Good" meant obeying God's commandments to the Puritans, but in the Ancient Chinese Civilization, it was more force that was exerted. This meant that you shouldn't get on the bad side of the King, because Legalism meant force and a lot of power to one ruler.
This meant that Legalism in the Ancient Chinese Civilization might've been more strict than Puritans back in the 16-17th centuries, but they are fairly similar as for how strict things can be.
Not only could Puritans be compared to Legalism, but it can also be compared with modern society. One of the examples that I thought of were parents.
Yes, parents.
Typically some parents are stricter than others, bit most of them all have one mission; to make you the best person you could be. That is similar to Puritans because primarily one of the reasons why they obey everything God says is to be the best person they can be (for God). Also, parents can be really strict, so strict that they might even enforce similar rules on you, which makes parents comparable to the Puritans. (may I also note that the Asian parent is primarily stricter? It's true, it's not just stereotypes!!)